We're so happy that you are interested in getting involved! Minnekirken has a vibrant community, and there are many ways to get involved in our church family.
A great way to get involved at Minnekirken is to participate in our weekly and monthly events.
All events are open to anyone, and no previous experience or membership is ever required. Unless otherwise noted, all events that take place at Minnekirken have free admission.
Church/Worship Service: Sundays at 11 a.m., followed by Coffee Hour. We celebrate Communion every second and fourth Sunday of the month. Everyone is always welcome to the table of the Lord!
'Lean into the Lectionary' Bible Study: Sundays at 9:30 a.m. Join us for fellowship, morning coffee, and conversations about upcoming sermon readings. You can follow along wherever you are by way of the YouVersion-app and/or
'Fantastisk 4' Sunday School for elementary school-age children: Meets most every fourth Sunday of the school year at 11 a.m. These Sundays are also the days our 11 a.m. service is designated Family Worship.
Minnekirken's Community Choir rehearsal: Every Sunday at 10:15 a.m. leading up to their performance in Minnekirken’s Easter Sunday Service and 17th of May Concert. Directed by Minnekirken’s music director Yeeseon Kwon. NO EXPERIANCE IS NECESSARY AND ALL ARE WELCOME!
If you have questions or would like to let us know that you wish to participate, contact us by clicking here.
A few times a year, we invite everyone interested and/or curious about membership at Minnekirken to a koselig and informative event we call Lunch & Learn. If you are interested in knowing more about our congregation, faith, and community, want to sign up, or have questions, let us know here.
Minnekirken is mostly run by the voluntary efforts and help of the generous hands of our congregation, supporters and members. One-time-commitments are also much appreciated, and anyone is welcome to volunteer.
Here are tasks that often need to be filled, the assisting with which is wonderful way to get involved in our community:
Host and/or participate in hosting our weekly coffee hour following Church Services.
Read scriptures (in English and/or Norwegian) during Church Services.
Be a docent during events and/or Church Services to welcome those who walk through Minnekirken's doors.
Contribute during special events with task such as set up, hosting the reception, cleaning, and/or ushering.
Participate in our annual “dugnad.” This traditional Norwegian communal work day offers many opportunities to serve.
Whether you would like to contribute with any of the above tasks, or in another way, or if you just would like some more information or have questions, please contact us by clicking here. We very much look forward to hearing from you!
At Minnekirken we keep a Prayer & Praise list that is shared with our congregation in our weekly Sunday Worship bulletin. If you have names or topics you would like to add to the list, or if you would like to submit a private prayer you can let us know here.
We greatly appreciate and encourage your support and involvement in Minnekirken through your personal prayers and praises for our community and congregation. Tusen takk!
Another essential element of getting and/or staying involved is to know what is going on at Minnekirken.
Two wonderful resources for staying updated is our newsletter, 'Kontakt', and our outgoing emails. The ‘Kontakt’ is available in full-color print and digital versions.
If you would like to subscribe to ‘Kontakts’ and/or emails, you can let us know here and we'll be happy to keep you in the loop.
For more information on how to get involved through making donations, click here. På forhånd takk!